Prince Of Tennis Blackjack Knife

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'We should go visit Echizen to seeif he's okay.'

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'Yeah, Oishi, he looked prettysick the other day.'

The Prince of Tennis manga spans a total of 379 chapters (380 if chapter '0' is included), which have been collected into 42 tankōbon volumes. Shueisha distributed these volumes in Japan, with the first volume being released on January 7, 2000, and the last on June 4, 2008. A more powerful version of both Jack Knife and Black Jack Knife that utilizes the Super Sweet Spot. First used by Takeshi Momoshiro. First shown in Golden Age 228: My Feelings Towards My Friends. Blackjack knives are American made fixed blades - hand crafted in the style of Randall knives - using top quality steel and handle materials. Blackjack Knives for Sale SMKW.

'Didn't you hear Momoshiri?'

'Hear what Kaidoh?' Fuji lookedtowards Kaidoh.

'In class he threw up all overHorio.'

'WHAT!? EWWWW,' Everyoneshuddered at the though.

Within ten minutes they arrived atthe Echizen residence and a kind looking woman was at the door.

'Hello, is Echizen Ryoma here?We're his teammates and we're here to check on him,'? Oishisaid as everyone bowed.

'Eh, Wu-Zu's not here. Nanjirohand Nanako took him to the hospital to get his stomach pumped.'

'…,' Everyone was silent asthey didn't know how to respond to 'Wu-Zu'. The woman smackedher head and laughed to herself.

'I meant that Ryoma's not here.Oh, come in; come in; how silly of me to forget my manners.'

Everyone came in and removed theirshoes.

'Echizen has a cool house,' Momowhispered to Eiji as they walked into the living room. It wasmodernly decorated with stylish couches and plush white pillows tocontrast with the black seats. The table had a glass top but the legswere black and a large flat screen TV was mounted on the empty wallacross the room.

'Hoi, hoi,' Eiji piped inagreement. Casino next to sandals antigua. They sat down and waited quietly for her to return.

'Okay, let's start over. My nameis Echizen Rinko and I'm Ryoma's mother.' She bowed quickly andchuckled once more.

'Oh, I'm losing it…,' Shetrailed off and looked into space before laughing. She went back intothe kitchen and came back with a butcher knife. 'Would you like tosee my knife? See my knife? See my knife? Would you like to see myknife? It's so shi~ny!' She sang to 'Mary had a Little Lamb'.Everyone began to get scared and inched away from her.

'Uh…Echizen-san, are you okay?'Oishi tried to talk to her. Inui wasn't even writing data, he wasshaking so bad.

She looked at him with crazed eyesbefore the phone rang.

'Incoming call: EchizenRyoma- Cell,' Rang through the house. Rinko put the phoneon speaker.

'Mommy, are you terrorizing myteammates?'

'Are you kidding? I would never dothat!'

'Oishi-senpai, is my ma scaringyou?'

'YES!!!' The Regularsscreamed as they ran into the living room. Rinko followed behind thembefore laughing egomaniacally (thanks Mr. Cramer for the word!).

'Come back to me my darlings!'She crooned and chased them. The front door opened and a pale Ryomastepped in.

'Mommy, what are you doing?'

Rinko stopped and chuckled, 'Justpreparing them for when they see your room!'

The Pirate and the Princess


Chapter Seven


Princess Sakuno and Prince the pirate were about to step out into the sunshine that was the weather deck of the pirate ship. Sakuno's anger with Prince's teasing had been pushed aside by the nervous fear of meeting the pirate crew of the ship she had been living on for the past two days.

Just before opening the door at the top of the stairs leading onto the weather deck, Prince stopped. He turned to look at Sakuno and gave her the most honest, earnest expression she'd ever seen on his face. After locking eyes with her for several moments, he breathed out her name in what sounded like nervous fear, 'Sakuno.'

Caught up in his seriousness, Sakuno whispered back quietly, 'Yes?'

'Whatever you do when talking with the crew, and no matter what happens, don't ever tell them who you really are,' he instructed.

'W-What do you mean?' Sakuno asked, bewildered at his command.

'Don't even tell them your name is Sakuno like you did with me,' he added.

'Why?' Sakuno asked.

'Sakuno! Think! You're dealing with a ship full of pirates!' Prince said as he shook her shoulders in frustration.

Sakuno batted his hands away from her shoulders, while saying, 'Stop! I know! I mean why don't they already know? You didn't tell them? Why did you take me then?'

Prince gritted his teeth together, attempting to maintain control. This woman was beyond frustrating! 'We aren't talking about this right now, just don't let them know, they'll give you a pirate name, and that's it!'

Sakuno gave a loud sigh of obvious displeasure. Getting any sort of information out of this man was exasperating and next to impossible. He made her so angry she didn't know how to properly express it. Goodness, nobody in all her acquaintances was ever able to get her as fired up as Prince could. Why was he so ridiculously unreasonable and secretive about everything? It would be one thing if she was being treated as nothing but a hostage, but the man thought in his twisted head he was going to marry her, and this was how she was to be treated? What exactly in all this was acceptable?

'Fine,' she finally murmured, defeated.

Satisfied with her promise, Prince smirked, turned back towards the barrier door from the weather deck to the lower decks and opened it up. Sunshine flooded the corridor, and Sakuno found herself squinting at the brightness from the sunlight. After being cooped up in the stateroom for such a long time, being out in the sunshine like this was a bit harsh on her eyes. Prince took a step out onto the weather deck and holding her hand to guide her pulled her up after him.

As soon as Sakuno hit the deck, there was much hollering, whistling and general noise. Overwhelmed a bit by the number of pirates suddenly surrounding her, Sakuno found herself hiding behind Prince, barely peaking over his shoulder.

'Everybody shut up an' gather round, but give th' lass some space!' A tall man yelled out above the crowd as he approached the couple. Sakuno watched in amazement as the pirates parted and spread to make room for the pirate who'd yelled. Now this man looked like a real pirate! He was tall and strong, with dark hair hidden under a large tricorn hat with a big purple plume sticking out of it. He had cat-shaped purple-colored eyes and a large gold ring in one ear. He was unshaven and Sakuno was certain she'd seen metal in his teeth as well. Similarly to Prince, he wore the typically flamboyant pirate wear of a Captain, though his was much more of a spectacle. Instead of black, he wore red velvet breeches, a red velvet waistcoat and a purple overcoat with the usual puff-sleeved white shirt underneath. His boots were black leather, like the ones Prince and all the rest of the pirates wore. He also had a long sword in a sheath strapped about his waist, and you could visibly see several other knives and daggers tied on his breeches and sticking out of his boots. He was giving Sakuno a toothy grin.

'So Princey, this here be yer lass then?' the man asked as his gaze shifted towards Prince.

Sakuno would have burst out laughing at the nickname, but she was too terrified of all the pirates leering at her to fully appreciate the amusement.

'Aye,' Prince replied.

'Well, come on ou' girl, ye dasn't be havin' t' be lily livered o' Captain Momo,' the pirate said.

Ah! So this was the Captain. Doesn't have to be afraid he says? He was the one threatening Prince about her! Sakuno scowled at the large Captain as she took a step out to the side, now in full view of the Captain and most of the rest of the pirates, though still standing slightly behind Prince.

'You're a pretty wee thin' aren't ye? Well, welcome aboard th' Jack Knife, me be Captain Momo, and this here rabble be me crew,' Captain Momo said as he swept his right arm around and up, showing off the whole pirate crew. It was followed by much yelling and general ruckus by the crew.

'H-Hello,' Sakuno said awkwardly as the noise died down.

There was again much noise from the crew of pirates, whistling, shouting, swords rose, and questions flung at her from all directions.

Then, Sakuno, composing herself remembered her manners, and that she was a princess, and needed to act as such at all times. Even if it was a secret..

Stepping around Prince and forward towards the Captain, she curtsied.

'Thank you Captain Momo for welcoming me onto The Jack Knife and for your hospitality,' she said formally. Turning to the bulk of the crew she added, 'Thank you for taking good care of the ship so that I have been safe.'

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Again there was much cheering.

'Arrr, now ye've gone an' stolen all the'r hearts an' I'll nerebe rid o' ye, lass,' Captain Momo said to her with a grin. 'Though Princey here has already threatened mutiny if ye ortin' ta be leavin' so me suppose me be stuck wi' ye fer good. Me canna be losin' me Sailin' Master,' the Captain added. He didn't look very happy about what he was saying, but he did seem resigned. Sakuno figured that was a good sign. She didn't want the Captain to throw her off the ship. She'd heard pirate stories a plenty and if there was one thing she knew, it was not to mess with a pirate Captain while aboard his own ship.

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Sakuno let out a nervous laugh, not really knowing what to say to such a thing.

'So what be yer name, lass?' Captain Momo asked.

Sakuno panicked. She honestly didn't know what to say! Prince had told her specifically not to tell them her name or who she was, and had warned that it would be dangerous. However, with such a pointed question, what was she to say?

'She's a no-name, like me,' Prince said from behind her.

Sakuno spun around, giving Prince a questioning look. What did he mean by that? They didn't know Prince's real name either? Did he really not have a name or was he just withholding it?

Captain Momo let out a frustrated huff and mumbled for a second under his breath about 'Prince' and 'secrets' before saying, 'Very well then, since ye be Princey's lass we'll call ye Princess, does that suit ye?'

'I suppose,' Sakuno answered. She had secretly been hoping for something a little more fun like Siren or Calypso, or some other mysterious seafaring name, but she was a Princess, and it figured that there was no escaping it, ever.

'Allowin' Prince t' be havin' a lass on board be goin' t' make th' rest o' th' men antsy fer females as well, Captain,' said another tall pirate, stepping forward into their conversation.

Sakuno observed that the man was tall and lean, with light brown hair poking out from under his own tricorn hat. Like Prince, he had a long ponytail tied low on the back of his head. Unlike anyone she'd ever met before though, the man seemed to have a permanent smile plastered on his face; closed eyes and everything. Oh, but Sakuno could tell nothing got past this pirate. He was giving her an assessing look from under his lashes that unnerved Sakuno to no end. What a scary pirate!

He must have been one of the officers of the ship by his manner of dress; he was wearing royal blue velvet breeches and a matching long overcoat with the usual white frilly shirt and black boots. Like Prince, he was clean-shaven, though he didn't have the aristocratic air to him that Prince had, and he talked like a regular old pirate too, not like Prince. Why didn't Prince speak like a pirate did anyways? She would definitely need to ask him about that later.

'Ah, Fuji, dasn't go startin' trouble like ye usually do,' Captain Momo said to the taller pirate.

'Me be in earnest, Captain, lasses be trouble that dasn't belong on ships. Why be ye allowin' this? Me dasn't approve,' Fuji replied.

'Stay out of it, Fuji, the Captain and I have an understanding,' Prince butted in.

Sakuno suddenly felt trapped in the middle of an argument. All eyes were on her, as the three men argued about her.

'Ah Princess, this be Fuji, our Quartermaster,' Captain Momo said by way of introduction.

'Quarter..master?' Sakuno questioned, as the title was foreign to her.

'First Mate,' Prince translated.

Oh. OOOOHHHH. So this pirate was the 2nd big boss, the only other one on the ship besides the Captain that could pull rank on Prince. Sakuno began to worry. If the First Mate had a problem with her, and the Captain did too, they might go ahead and toss her overboard. Sakuno looked towards the water in fright.

$200 no deposit casino codes. 'Ah, how do you do, Quartermaster Fuji,' Sakuno butted in, giving the Quartermaster a curtsy as well with a dazzling smile. The pirate turned his attention towards her and opened his eyes. Sakuno's smile disappeared as she shivered in fright. SCARY! Not wanting to appear weaker than she already did, Sakuno determined to hold her ground so she locked her eyes with his, and didn't look away.

Finally the pirate's eyes closed again and his easy smile was back on his face.

'Tis jus' Fuji, Princess,' he finally said. He turned to Prince.

'Why be she here?' he asked him.

Prince scowled at Fuji, his anger clearly visible.

'Why did ye brin' th' lass on board our ship, Prince?' he asked again.

'I found her,' Prince answered.

Fuji gave Prince a hard look, silently probing for more. Prince stared back with the same intensity. Sakuno fretted, and Captain Momo pretended not to notice.

'Since when?' Fuji demanded.

'Last raid,' Prince fired back.

'Why?' Fuji asked yet again.

Prince scoffed and in a lazy drawl announced, 'She belongs to me, so I took her.'

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Sakuno gasped as the whole crew burst into a flurry of excited hooting and hollering. It wasn't the first time Sakuno had heard Prince say such a sentiment about her, but it was still shocking to hear him say it, yet again. She could feel her heartbeat pounding in her throat, and took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.

Fuji remained silent, his displeasure at Prince's response and the crew's support of it glaringly obvious in the tightness of his fake smiling face.

'Ye be startin' t' understand then, Prince, but ye still be havin' a long ways t' go. Lasses dasn't belong on ships, possession or no,' Fuji finally stated.

'I don't belong on this ship either, Fuji, you do well to remember that!' Prince exploded in sudden anger.

Sakuno was completely taken aback. What? WHAT? What did he mean by that? Was this what he was talking about with Captain Momo in the stateroom earlier that she'd overheard about being from another ship? Was it really such a big deal to move from one pirate ship to another? Wasn't that the way of pirates after all? How could Prince not belong here with these pirates, especially since Captain Momo seemed to obviously be a friend? Besides, Prince was the Second Mate, arguably the most important person on the whole ship!

'Fuji!' Captain Momo said, finally intervening.

'But Captain-' Fuji began to protest immediately.

'Leave 't, Fuji. 'Tis business from before Prince be wi' us, if he says thar lass has t' be wi' 'em, we be havin' t' let 't be…' Captain Momo said butting in, '…fer now,' he added darkly.

Sakuno didn't think she'd ever been so scared in her life at the dark look Captain Momo shot her way. He would kill her in a heartbeat to keep Prince she realized in fright. She took a step back, and found Prince's large hands grasping onto her shoulders from behind. She could only feel his hands, he must have been keeping her at arm's length, but somehow Sakuno understood it was his way of comforting her, telling her she was safe. Silently communicating to her that he wouldn't let anything hurt her.

'If ye want th' lass here, then she be yer problem, Prince. Me nay be havin' th' lass runnin' round th' ship causin' problems fer th' men. Keep th' lass in yer stateroom or put th' lass t' work in th' galley wi' Oishi,' Fuji instructed before he spun on his heel and disappeared into the crowd of pirates behind him.

Sakuno heard Prince scoff behind her at Fuji's parting comments and then she felt him moving, stepping up next to her. 'Well, get on with it then, Captain,' he said.


'Aye, Princey, aye,' Captain Momo said.

Sakuno observed as four pirates stepped out of the crowd, next to the Captain.

'Ye just met Fuji, me Quartermaster, an' ye already be knowin' Prince, me Sailin' Master. This here be Eiji, me Boatswain, Viper, me Carpenter, Takashi me Master Gunner an' Oishi, th' cook. Th' rest o' th' lads come wi' us by each voyage, come an' go as they please fer th' most part,' Captain Momo said, by way of introducing the rest of the crew.

Sakuno simply tried to take it all in. She didn't really know what a Boatswain, or Carpenter did on a pirate ship, but she was pretty sure she knew what a Master Gunner and the cook would do.

'Nice to meet you,' she was somehow able to mutter out amidst the noise from the sailors.

Viper hissed, and Sakuno recognized him as the pirate she'd snatched the food from in the galley. Was he the one that had ratted on her to the Captain? Wait, now she was confused. How was it that the ship's Carpenter was in the galley preparing food today? What was the cook doing then?

'Ahoy! Welcome, Princess!' said the Boatswain Eiji. He was wearing striped pants; a red cut up shirt and a red bandana was tied over his red hair. He was moving towards her and reaching out to her, when Sakuno felt an arm shoot from behind her and watched as it grabbed Eiji's arm in a vice like grip.

'That's mine,' Sakuno heard Prince warn darkly from behind her head. Sakuno tried to turn to see Prince, but he was just out of her vision. Again, her heart started beating erratically. Why was this man so utterly possessive over her? His intensity was overwhelming her senses. Again, Sakuno found herself feeling very safe.

'Aye…Princey, why dasn't ye teach me how t' navigate an' me take yer position ye hate so much, an' yer lass too, how's that sound?' Eiji asked. He was smiling, but somehow, Sakuno felt that his smiles were similar to the Quartermasters, completely calculating and cold. Pirates were the types that were simply waiting for the opportunity to manipulate things to their own advantages, weren't they? Sakuno suddenly felt at a loss. She didn't know how to relate to Prince and how he was able to live in this life, being unable to trust his closest companions.

Prince was suddenly pressing his warm body into Sakuno's back, as his other arm came up behind her and his free hand holding onto her on her upper arm again.

'Navigating isn't the issue, Eiji,' Prince retorted.

'Oh, but ye be seein', 'tis,' Eiji replied as he twisted his arm out of Prince's grasp and walked off in the same direction Fuji had.

Goodness, Sakuno didn't know what to think! Did all the other pirates not like Prince? Was he some sort of outcast on his own ship? She knew he was a newer addition to the main crew, but still! Wasn't the navigator the most important sailor on a ship besides perhaps the Captain, and even that could be argued? Sakuno turned mournful eyes to the rest of the crew and in a pitiful voice asked, 'Doesn't anybody like Prince?'

Her question was met by roaring laughter from the whole crew, including a loud booming laugh from the Captain. Prince had stiffened behind her, and Sakuno realized too late that she must have embarrassed him. She was immediately washed over with shame and guilt.

'Aye, lass, we all be lovin' Princey here 'ceptin' Fuji an' Eiji since they be his primary competition, so t' speak,' Captain Momo explained.

'Oh,' Sakuno said dumbly. She still didn't really understand, but she figured that was good enough. Perhaps Prince would tell her more later, but asking more questions would probably just make him angry with her if he was already embarrassed, so she dropped it.

'Let's go,' Prince said as he began pushing her forward from his position behind her, his hand still grasping her upper arm.

'But I haven't met everybody else yet,' Sakuno protested meekly, as Prince continued to push her back towards the entrance to the lower decks.

'The crew needs to get back to work,' he said gruffly as he all but dragged her back towards their stateroom.


A/N: Yare, yare, I keep updating this to death, so I'm going to just stop now and update. I wanted to leave some review feedback for you all here too, but I'm sick and don't feel up to it at the moment. :/ So look for love from me on the next chapter update. MUAH xoxoxo ~ Bunny

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